Islamic Research Journal { المرصوص } en-US (Dr.Hafiz Faiz Rasool) (Muhammad Abdul Rehman) Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 OJS 60 نظریة المحبة بالله وبالناس والتوصل بها بأعمال القلبية وأثرها على المجتمع الإسلامي <p><em>The most important thing that distinguishes Islamic civilization from other civilizations is that it gives great importance to the human heart and gave it a central place in its religious, legislative system, and doctrine laws. There are many actions and characteristics of a Muslim that belong to the heart, like a good intention, sincerity towards Allah and his worship, piousness, thankfulness, tolerance, and love for the sake of Allah - love of people is one of the traits of good hearts, and its effects on the personality of a Muslim as well as on Islamic Society are very strong. Muslims specifically are extremely responsible and cautious in their behavior and attitude toward others when they love for the sake of Allah. In this article, I will define what love for Allah is, discuss its linguistic and textual meaning, and explain what is meant by it in the light of the Quran and Sunnah, and the scholar's point of view in this context.</em></p> Mamoona Anjum Noor Copyright (c) 2023 Islamic Research Jounal { المرصوص } Wed, 27 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 ریاستِ مدینہ میں انسدادِ جرائم کی نبوی حکمتِ عملی کے مظاہر <p>The Prophet's era, whether before or after the proclamation of Prophethood, in all circumstances, the Holy Prophet took many practical steps for the establishment of peace, which are mentioned in detail in the books of Sirah. Efforts have been made to eliminate all kinds of crimes. Because where there is an abundance of crime, the society suffers from political, social, economic, societal and chaos which destroys the integrity of the region. In such a situation, science and art, elements of development, people with high power cannot flourish and every member of the society is in a state of panic and defeat and their abilities are destroyed and man becomes mentally ill. This is an analytical study that is based on secondary sources; books, article and online sources. Islam is based on nature and in every respect, it does not cause of stagnation in the development of science and art, and in the promotion of the highest values ​​of society, economy, sociology and human life. It then provides an effective and positive strategy to eliminate the causes that hinder developmental elements. Islam is the religion that has enlightened man with the values ​​of society. Crimes prove to be detrimental to the values ​​of society, so Islam wants to counter such causes from the very beginning.</p> Anwar ul Haq Copyright (c) 2023 Islamic Research Jounal { المرصوص } Mon, 25 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 عدم حرج و یُسرکے قرآنی اُصول اور بین المذاہب ہم آہنگی <p><em>How should a Muslim and non -Muslim community have a bilateral relations</em><em>?&nbsp; </em><em>And what should it grow up on the basis?</em><em>&nbsp; </em><em>Today, all countries of the world are living in different faiths</em><em>,</em><em> whether they are related to Muslims or non -Muslims, social, economic and other relations are found between them</em><em>.</em><em>How does the Qur'an view these relationships and what are their limits</em><em>?&nbsp; </em><em>So from this, the Qur'an is a complete code of life. It has provided universal principles for interfaith religions. They do not consider Islam a religion of a particular group or nation, but present it as a universal religion</em><em>.</em><em>In this, where principles of Muslim relations</em> <em>are found, there are comprehensive instructions on relations with non -Muslims</em><em>.</em><em>The Qur'an contains guidance on every kind of relationship with non -Muslims of Muslims with economic, social and cultural</em><em>.</em><em>And the basic thing among them is facilitation and easiness. So that People do not suffer from any community of other religions socially and economically</em><em>.</em><em>In this article, the Quranic principles of Facilitation and Easiness will be discussed in terms of interfaith harmony</em><em>.</em></p> Aezaz Ul Haq Copyright (c) 2023 Islamic Research Jounal { المرصوص } Mon, 18 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Free Will: A Discourse between New Atheism and Islam <p><em>Traditionally, atheists used philosophical arguments to deny the existence of God and to defame religions. New atheists have added scientific, moral and historical argumentation to make atheism more attractive and appealing to intellectual mind. Moreover, they use aggressive language to deny the existence of God and eradicating the role of religions to all spheres of life. This is a qualitative study in which the atheists’ ideology about free will is analyzed in Islamic perspective. For this purpose, data is gathered from primary sources; books, articles and online sources. Sam Harris has discussed the atheist ideology in depth about free will. According to Harris God does not permit free will to human and free will is an allusion. However, Islamic ideology expresses that every human is free to choose his way of life. God has directed humanity to do good deeds and to avoid from evils and sins. Now, it depends on human which way he/ she adopts. The reward of good deeds is paradise whereas the punishment of bad deeds is hell. This ideology is logical and rational in scientific and philosophical paradigms. In this way, atheistic position that man has no free will is irrational and illogical. </em></p> Dr. Ata ur Rehman Copyright (c) 2023 Islamic Research Jounal { المرصوص } Thu, 21 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 تفسیری اختلافات کی حقیقت ونوعیت:ایک تجزیاتی مطالعہ <p><strong>Abstract</strong></p> <p>The Holy Qur’an is the embodiment of guidance, and <em>Tafseer</em> is always a lighthouse for further understanding and clarity. One, therefore, cannot live without valuing <em>Tafseer-e-Qur’an</em>. There are various ways to do <em>Tafseer</em> and different scholars keeping in view their methodogical paradigm and eras, have done so in their particular ways and styles. This kind of variation resulted into contradictions in the views. Consequently, a common reader gets confused whenever he reads the variety in the <em>Tafseer</em>. He takes the whole thing full of f errors and contradictions. As the text is same, the contradictions in <em>Tafseer</em> evolve doubt and confusions that is to be setteled and handled. Thus, the present study is about the contradictions in <em>Tafseer</em>. It embodies the reality of the contradictions in <em>Tafseer</em>. This is an analytical study which is based on secondary sources; books, articles and online sources. <em>Tafsir</em> differences refer to the occurrence of multiple sayings and opinions of commentators in the same verse or word of the Holy Qur'an which are different from each other. There are two basic types of interpretive differences; One is diversity and the other is contradiction. Differences In the interpretation of a verse, there are many sayings or opinions that do not contradict each other, only the nature differs. Therefore, there is a possibility of adaptation between them.&nbsp;</p> Dr. Hafiz Falak Sher Faizi Copyright (c) 2023 Islamic Research Jounal { المرصوص } Sun, 24 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000