نظریة المحبة بالله وبالناس والتوصل بها بأعمال القلبية وأثرها على المجتمع الإسلامي

The theory of love for God & people and achieving it through acts of the heart and its impact on Islamic society


  • Mamoona Anjum Noor Lecturer, Department of Islamic Studies,The Govt. Sadiq College Women University, Bahawalpur.


The most important thing that distinguishes Islamic civilization from other civilizations is that it gives great importance to the human heart and gave it a central place in its religious, legislative system, and doctrine laws. There are many actions and characteristics of a Muslim that belong to the heart, like a good intention, sincerity towards Allah and his worship, piousness, thankfulness, tolerance, and love for the sake of Allah - love of people is one of the traits of good hearts, and its effects on the personality of a Muslim as well as on Islamic Society are very strong. Muslims specifically are extremely responsible and cautious in their behavior and attitude toward others when they love for the sake of Allah. In this article, I will define what love for Allah is, discuss its linguistic and textual meaning, and explain what is meant by it in the light of the Quran and Sunnah, and the scholar's point of view in this context.


