مسجد کمیٹی کی اجارہ داری کے معاشرتی اثرات

Social Effects of Monopoly of Masjid Committee


  • Dr. Hafiz Naseer Ahmad Post Doc Research Fellow, International Islamic University, Islamabad.
  • Dr. Muhammad Waris Ali Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Studies, Lahore Garrison University, Lahore.


Masajid, Place of Worship, Masjid Committee, Government, Muslim Communities.


Masjid is the need of a Muslim society. Everybody has links with the religion directly and indirectly. The meaning to accept the religion is to obey the commandments. Abeyance creates the sense that the creator and organizer of this universe, deserve to be worshiped. Masjid is the place of worship for Muslims. Masjid is necessary for the Muslim communities. This article focuses the role of Masjid Committee to spread religion. System of Masajid should be under the Government of the State but unfortunately the system of most of the masajid is private and Masajid committees look after the matters of these masajid. There are many problems that are faced in masajids by the imams and Khuyaba. Masajid committees are constituted by the community around the masajid that are responsible for their construction and maintenance. There should be SOP to constitute the Masjid committee with the consent of the members of particular community that should be followed. The rules should be implemented properly to make the role of Masajid effective in the society.


