عصر حاضر میں  تصور ہجرت کے اسلامی مباحث اور افادیت،ایک تحقیقی جائزہ

Islamic perspective on”Hijrah” in the modern era: A comperative review of their significance


  • Fatima Hassan MPhil Scholar, Dept. of Islamic Learning, University of Karachi.
  • Dr. Muhammad Mehrban Barvi Assistant professor, Department of Islamic Learning, Federal Urdu University Abdul Haq Campus Karachi.


Migration, refugees, Conquest of Makkah, Migration to Madina, States, Islamic law, Significance, Contemporary era


In Islam, the concept of *Hijrah* encompasses the ideas of displacement, migration, and abandonment. “Hijrah” is an Arabic and Islamic term that integrate Muslims to strive both spiritually and materially to protect their good deeds and faith. Islam also provides guidance at the state level for Muslims to leave “Dar al-Harb” (the land of conflict) and seek refuge in Dar al-Salam” (the land of peace) if they are forced to live against the Islamic teaching.The concept of migration has deep roots in Islamic history, such as migrations to Abyssinia and Medina. These migrations created remarkable impact for Islam to emerge as a prominent religion in Arabia and established the foundation of an Islamic state. This state thrive to form diplomatic relations with other nations, extending the influence of Islam beyond its initial borders. The early Islamic migrations were significant, as they opened the doors to wider conquests, and the development of Islamic culture in other regions. From the beginning of Islamic history to the present day, “Hijrah” has remained a crucial concept.Muslims also have to face trials and hardships during “Hijrah”to declare their sincerity regarding Islam, distinguishing from the hypocrites. Today, many Muslims continue to migrate from “Dar al-Harb” to “Dar al-Salam”, therefore Muslim community is obligated to embrace and support these migrants as the Ansar did during the time of the Prophet Muhammad(Peace be upon him).


